Our Projects and Process
*We uniquely fund women led grassroots organizations .
We give small grants to small organizations to maximize impact.
We invest in new or under supported non-profit organizations (annual budgets under $1 Million).
Board Members invite proposals from qualified 501(c)3 nonprofit organizations.
We offer 3 year general support grants.
*(Beginning in 2024, we will focus on Indigenous women-led organizations)
They Stand Up. Step Forward. Use Their Voices.
Collectively, they are changing the world.
Current Grant Partners
ASODIGUA (Asociación Para el Desarrollo Integral de Guatemala Maya)
ASODIGUA is committed to strengthening the comprehensive development of the rural Mayan indigenous communities, and eradicating extreme poverty in which they live. They focus on education as a fundamental pillar in changing mindsets and attitudes, generating positive practices that favor full development of indigenous women.
Sololá, Guatemala
Badael fosters transformative justice as the foundation for real and sustainable peace in Syria, by supporting organic civil society development and promoting discourses and narratives within and around the Syrian context that are rights-based, pluralistic, inclusive and that facilitate holistic truth and understanding. Badael is a growing NGO with a large vision and several ongoing programmes and research projects encompassing peacebuilding, conflict transformation, civil society, and women’s empowerment/rights. We are supported them with general operating funds.badael.org
Caminos de Accion works in solidarity with Salvadorans to faciliate community organization in order to address locally identified challenges, including social, educational and health issues, with a focus on gender equality. We will provide them with general operating funds, as well as funds for their Farming for the Future program.Lander, WYwww.caminosdeaccion.org
Classical Uprising offers a bold rethinking of the classical music experience through immersive events, performances, and educational programs. Formed in 2020 as a merger between Oratorio Chorale and Portland Bach Experience, Classical Uprising is committed to community development, creative expression, inclusivity, lifelong learning, and artistic excellence.
For the healing and wellness of all indigenous people; Freedom Lodge and The Black Hills Historical Trauma Research & Recovery Center has changed the conversation about health, healing and recovery in South Dakota and across Indian Country. We believe that each of us has a role to play in the health of tribal nations and Mother Earth. Each of us has wisdom and a contribution to make through a deep remembering of who we are.
South Dakota
FONDS POUR LES FEMMES CONGOLAISES (FFC)FFC, the only women’s fund in this country, is working to build communities in the Congo free from violence, where women and girls have rights to physical integrity and economic justice; where women participate in all levels of decision-making that affect their lives and communities. FFC is not only a funder of smaller CSOs but also serves to strengthen the technical and administrative capacity of beneficiary organizations. Kinshasa, DRCwww.ffcrdc.org
The focus of the Grassy Narrows Women’s Drum Group is to bring awareness to local communities, as well as to the international community, about their ongoing struggle to protect the land, water, air, wild plants/animals and the Anishinabee (the people of Grassy Narrows First Nation).
Grassy Narrows, Ontario, Canada
The mission of the Itinerant University of Haiti (UNITE in their Spanish and Kreyol acronym) to help Haitians – especially Haitian women – break free from their literal and figurative island. Their work addresses the problems of (a) mining and other damaging megaprojects; (b) Haitians’ historic and devastating isolation from Latin American movements; (c) the exclusion of Haitian women from political processes, both at the grassroots and nationally. We will support their new women’s program, addressing the set of barriers that Haitian women face in being actors in movements for change.Chiapas, Mexico and Haiti.no website yet; UniversityofResistanceinHaiti@gmail.com
Medicine Bowl’s mission is to heal our relationship with the planet, the land and one another. It is a relationship fueled queer and trans, Black and Indigenous led land-based strategy for liberation. They are a constellation of organizers, farmers, medicine people and land stewards who believe they can nourish, feed, house & build alternative structures for for our communities and ourselves.
Western NC
The mission of the Salvadoran General Circle (El Salvador Based) is to heal ourselves and our communities from some of the deep wounds of systemic violence, by building and nurturing a sisterhood of transformative community leaders through formal and informal praxis-based education in healing, peacebuilding, and group facilitation. The mission of the Decolonized Relationships Circle (US-based) is to support young women in healing themselves and their communities from the deep wounds of systemic violence, by encouraging North American communities responsible for a great deal of this violence to channel resources towards the healing and resiliency building efforts deemed most effective by the community-based, Salvadoran team. We are supporting their first salaried team member based in El Salvador.
Indiana and El Salvador
The Omid Foundation strengthens the social, emotional, gender, educational, and economic competencies of marginalized young women in the Persian speaking world, providing them with opportunities to experience a full range of life options through self-empowerment, counseling, education, and training, so that they can overcome the traumas of their past, and not only rebuild their own lives but also play an important role in the transformation of the world around them. We are supporting their program to improve the reproductive health competencies of marginalized young women in Afghanistan.
Maryland, USA
Paso Pacifico works to restore and protect the Pacific Slope ecosystems of Mesoamerica, including the endangered dry tropical forest, mangrove wetlands, and eastern Pacific coral reefs. By working with local communities, landowners, and partner organizations, they restore and protect the habitats that form building blocks for wildlife corridors.Ventura, CA & Managua, Nicaraguahttps://pasopacifico.org
We are a safe, supportive and empowering space for the Native Two Spirit LGBTQ+ community. It has always been the journey of the Native American Two-Spirit LGBTQ to encourage our people to get along and to love one another. Uniting Resilience continues that mission in the public square and in national discourse through education and community organizing, while positively addressing the wrong that has been inflicted on Two-Spirit LGBTQ.
South Dakota
Supporting action initiatives to create a collective voice, action base and movement of women from across the United States and the world concerning climate justice, demanding action on climate change, supporting trainings and climate solution projects, and providing opportunities for women on the frontlines of climate change to tell their stories of struggle and solutions.Mill Valley, CAwww.wecaninternational.org
The mission of Winyan Wicayuonihan Oyanke, Where All Women Are Honored, is to shelter and advocate for the LGBQT+ community and victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, teen dating violence and sex trafficking by providing culturally relevant programs and community outreach which will contribute to social change through intervention, prevention, education and community awareness. We are supporting their program for their elder women to share traditional knowledge and culture with young women in the Rapid City/Pine Ridge Indian Reservation community.
Porcupine, SD
(Find on Facebook.com)
WEI envisions a world where women and girls with disabilities claim human rights, act in solidarity, and lead self-determined lives. We are supporting the newly launched US Alliance of Women, Nonbinary Persons, and Other Gender Minorities with Disabilities (the Alliance) to fill a need for a national, cross-disability entity to focus on raising voices and asserting rights at the intersection of gender and disability in the U.S.
Washington, DC